Thursday, August 9, 2012

Embarrassed to Even Share

About a month ago, a very dear high school friend was in town with her children and they spent one night at our house.  While all the kids were scooted outside to pick raspberries, she and I had a drink while I prepared supper.  I am terrible at designating jobs.  When someone comes into my kitchen and offers to help, I'm at a loss.  It might maybe be that I'm a little tiny bit of a control freak but I am really trying to get better.  So, to prepare myself for a "spontaneous" chore designation, I found a recipe on Pinterest, printed it, and bought the ingredients.  When my friend offered to help, I pulled out this recipe for homemade caramels and said, "here, you can make the caramels."  Okay, probably not what she thought she was signing up for but, actually, they are very easy.  I got to keep control over my menu prep while she made these delicious sea salt caramels.  They are not health food - at all.  I'm embarrassed to admit that I've made these three more times!  If you have a similar lack of control, don't even open the link.
If you do decide to try them, here are a few reminders. Wax paper is not the same as parchment paper.  I knew they weren't the same but remembered (incorrectly!) that I'd used wax paper last time. NO - use parchement paper.
Although this looks great, when you pour the boiling hot caramel into the pan, it kinda melts into the wax paper.  Use parchment paper (or you'll be licking caramel off of wax paper 'cause you can't bear to throw it out)!
When the caramel hardens, lift it out of the pan, laying it flat on a cutting board, and cut into little squares. (Looks kinda like chicken.)  Then, they are ready to be wrapped. 
So bad for you but they taste SO good!

1 comment:

  1. YUM!!! These were so good... You should try dipping them in chocolate. ;)


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