Friday, August 3, 2012

July's Beer and Cool Finds

Oops - I'm a little late with the announcement of July's Minnesota Beer of the Month selections. 
July's selections were (1) Ring Neck Braun Ale from Brau Brothers BrewingCompany in Lucan, MN and (2) One-Eyed Pike from Brainerd Lakes Beer in Brainerd, MN. 

This morning, while John was at camp, Kate and I shopped for school supplies - blahgh!  As a reprieve, we also stopped at the thrift store and found some great stuff.  I have been looking for this kind of cheese grater for a long time - seriously!  I know it just looks like your basic old cheese grater and I guess it is but you cannot find these in stores anymore - good find!  And the plates match a set my mom has started collecting as cabin dishes - can't wait to surprise her with them.  The painting - Kate and I both fell in love with.  It will go on a bedroom wall up at The River.  I don't know who Bill Rasley is but I like his painting - it's like an illustration from a book - love it.

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