Thursday, June 7, 2012

Battle of Wills, Feed the Birds, Karma, and Coincidental References

Remember my Mary Poppins purse?  Well, it was with me at the baseball fields last night along with my almost-teen daughter.  It is the last week of school and emotions are running the gamut and her and I were having a battle of wills in the stands.  Because I didn't want her spitting from the bleachers, I took the sunflower seeds away, folded the bag carefully and tucked it into my purse.  And then forgot they were there.  Today, in the car with said daughter, I pulled my wallet from my purse and dumped the whole bag of seeds.  Kate started laughing and singing, "Feed the Birds" from Mary Poppins.  Honestly, this purse has provided more entertainment for my family!

Taking the dog out last week, I noticed that our mulberry tree was loaded with berries, still quite green but loaded.  This morning when John took the dog out, he came in and told me the mulberries need to be picked, "they are way ripe, falling off the tree way ripe."  Have you ever read And to Think That I Saw it on Mulberry Street by Dr. Seuss?  In this story, the little boy Marco creates a story, embellishing everything he sees on his way home from school.  John has embellished once or twice and I really didn't think mulberries could get from green to "way ripe" in one week.  But...
He was right - they are ready to be picked.  So we got out a ladder before school and picked a small bowlful.  The rest we will feed the birds!
Do you ever have a day of weirdly related coincidences seemingly smacking you in the face but have no idea what it's all supposed to mean?  Today was one for me.  I am currently reading Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury.  It's amazing and I find myself thinking about it constantly. 

Then, while waiting in the car queue at school, I noticed a friend of mine had posted a quote on Facebook:
"You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture.  Just get people to stop reading them." and it is from Fahrenheit

Then, at home tonight, Kate was on her favorite writing website and shouted out the quote of the day:
"'Do you read any of the books you burn?' 'No, that's against the law' 'Oh, of course.'" .....from Fahrenheit!  I've tried connecting them, tried figuring out how these could show up in two different places on the same day and while I'm reading this book that was written over 60 years ago.  I've had the book for awhile and am reading it for a different project I'm working on. 
And the second quote (even the first one for that matter), although significant to the book, isn't much of a quote of the day.
Just weird.
(Later---after checking local headlines---I found out that Ray Bradbury died yesterday!  This is so sad.  I had no idea. Talk about feeling smacked in the face - I'm spinning with this news.  The NewYork Times ran this fantastic story regarding Fahrenheit 451.)

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