Monday, March 11, 2013

Painting....Not White, but Light

When we bought our house over 10 years ago, we said we would replace the carpet - first thing.  But then we had to repour the driveway.  And then four big beautiful elm trees were diagnosed with the Elm Disease and...well...there went our carpet.  So, now, finally, we're replacing the carpet.  I want to paint everything fresh before the new floors are put in but it is so hard to visualize a color from one wall or one room to another without painting large swaches of color on the walls.  Here's what worked in the end:  I bought a few pieces of large poster board ad painted each of them a different color possibility.  Then we were able to move them around to different walls and different rooms to see the colors in various light conditions.  Will hopefully post "after" pictures soon - I'm so ready for the house to be put back in order.

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