Friday, September 28, 2012

Homecoming and September Beer

Tonight is the Homecoming parade and football game in our town and although it's bright and warm this afternoon, it'll be chilly when the sun goes down.  So I've been digging out sweatshirts and hats in our school colors.  Last year, during a particularly cold baseball & softball season, I made this stadium blanket from remnants I found at the fabric store.  It is double layered and very large so we can snuggle up and share.  I predict that nobody will want to carry it in tonight but everybody will fight over who gets to use it.

In honor of homecoming, one of our September's Minnesota Beer of the Month selections is Big Island Shandy from the Tonka Beer Company .  "100% of profits from our craft beer sales go to support Save-Our-Lakes, which funds initiatives of Conservation Minnesota and the University of Minnesota’s Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center to protect our lakes and rivers from zebra mussels, milfoil and other invasive species."

Our other selection for September is a variety case of James Page which is now brewed by the Stevens Point Brewery in Wisconsin.  Both Tonka Beer and James Page have their origins in Minnesota but have been outsourced to Wisconsin.

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