Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Door Knobs and Stick-Ups

First of all let me tell you that I was trying to fix our computer so that John could do his homework.  He's in a Chinese Immersion school and so our computer must also learn how to "speak" Chinese so that John can do his homework.  So after I helped it learn Chinese...John did his homework and later...went to bed.  Now, I'm sitting down to blog and I go to Blogger.com and the whole site is in Chinese.  -!-  Hmmm.  No other webpages - just Blogger.  Yeah, that's weird.  And I can't even figure out which buttons to click on 'cause...I can't read Chinese!  But, obviously, I eventually figured it out.  I thought about sharing a print screen so you could see how the blog looks in Chinese but...that would be whole 'other fiasco so...the doorknob.

The above pic is of the doorknob at my Grandparents farmhouse.  It was on the inside of the front door that led straight into the living room.  When I saw this last time, I kinda recognized it, like I knew it from somewhere else.  I know that sounds weird but something in the back of my mind was connecting the dots.  Maybe you figured it out already but here's what the dots came up with:
Close relative at least, right?  I should've been Disney!

After supper tonight, Kate and John were goofing around upstairs.  Kate has been sick all week so she's getting a little loopy and I heard her go into John's room and say, "put your hands in the air, Mister.  This here is a stick-up.  Quick, what is the most valuable thing in this room?"
And John answered...
Oh, I love 'em!

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