Friday, November 2, 2012

Why Not a Parents' Room Redo?

Painting the dressers for Kate's room redo went so smoothly, that I decided to paint the hand-me-down that is in our bedroom as well. 

Our bedroom decor has been sadly neglected for some time.  We had most of our windows replaced a few years ago and the curtain rods originally above our old windows ended up hanging 3 inches below the tops of the new windows.  I just haven't taken the time to fix them.  But when we re-did Kate's room, she decided not to hang curtains with her shades, so I grabbed her rods and stuck them in my closet for when I'd get around to switching them out.  Remember the pile of projects in my sewing room?  Well, these curtains (on the top right in the linked photo) have been sitting there long time.  There were only two panels and I need four so...the project involved cutting each panel in half, re-sewing the top casement and the bottom hem, and finishing the side hems.  Plus they're lined so...just never got that motivated.  Until now.  And it feels so good to have the new rods up (above the windows!) and curtains off the project pile and onto the windows.
We desperately needed some wall art but it is very difficult (for me anyway) to choose wall art for a bedroom.  Well, I had these canvases in the sewing room from another project I abandoned long ago and so I printed out lines from "our song" and modpodged them onto the canvas - I really like the "wordy"ness way it turned out.
So, all of a sudden, we have "new" dresser, curtains, and wall art - I'd say that counts as a redo!  AND the stacks of unfinished projects are getting smaller - yay!

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