Friday, May 25, 2012

Tomato, Potato, Peony, Raspberry, Chive

So much rain yesterday and my gardens are very happy!  I went to check on everyone this morning and they've all grown overnight.  The tomato plants have these beautiful yellow blossoms already.  Tomato plants smell so distinctly, maybe not exactly pleasant, but yet, yes, pleasant because of such yummy associations.
Mark and John planted potatoes in the back corner and we've been having a had time distinguishing them from weeds.  Overnight, however, they have stood up and made themselves recognized.  They will no longer be mistaken for weeds.

And the peony - I was so afraid the hard rain would hurt these delicate blooms but, no.  It is looking as beautiful as always.
As I neared the raspberry patch, I could hear the buzz - so many fat fuzzy bees - wonderful!  And there are the not so beautiful, rather vampiric looking, hard white orbs which will soon turn to soft, warm, red, juicy berries eaten between the garden and the deck.

I missed the first crop of chives already.  Don't mind much as the blossoms were pretty when nothing else was blooming.  And, oh, did they smell good as I cut them down.  The next batch I'll clip before they flower, use some for cooking, and freeze some for winter.

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